
Course Details

Artificial Intelligence Blended
Last Update:

July 18, 2023


About Course

Starting Point For Your Career Path…
Our Mission
& Vision

We help undergrad and post grad students struggling to get industrial
experience with our Industry Grade Mentorship programs which help them
to become corporate-ready individuals and possess the skillset to take on
any challenges without any self-doubt.
Our aim is to become one of the most preferred
education technology platforms across the globe.
We envision a world in which each students receives the
effective, equitable, and engaging education they need to
reach their full and unique potential

What Will You Learn?

  • Build an AI
  • Understand the theory behind augmented random search algorithm
  • Learn how to build most powerful AI algorithm
  • Train and implement ARS algorithm
  • Train AI to solve same challenges as Google Deep Mind

Course Content

Induction Class

Introduction of AI

Programming Elements

Conditions & Loops

Data Structures

Functions & Expection Handling

Add on Topics

Basics of AI

Neural Networks Basics

Backward Propogation

Loss Function and Error

Artificial Neural Networks

Importance of Data Normalization

Classification Metrics – Confusion Matrix

OpenCV Basics

How to Save Deep Learning Mode

CNN Basics

Transfer Learning

Final Project and Doubt Clearing Session

Web App Deployment

Cascade Classifier

Object Detection Demonstration


4,999.00 7,500.00
  • Instructor
    Elenxia Learning Platform
  • Language

Payment :


Material Includes

  • 25 hours on-demand video
  • live doubt session per week.
  • 1 article
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
  • Internship 100 percent
  • Internship Completion Certificate


  • Anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning