What is a Firewall What are the functions of a Firewall Types of firewalls What is an IDS How does an IDS work What is a honeypot What is Kali Linux How Kali Linux is different from other Linux distributions What are the uses of Kali Linux Tools for Footprinting,Scanning & Sniffing What is Metasploit framework Using Metasploit framework to attack Wiindows machines Using Metasploit framework to attack Android devices
ElenxiaLessonsWhat is a Firewall What are the functions of a Firewall Types of firewalls What is an IDS How does an IDS work What is a honeypot What is Kali Linux How Kali Linux is different from other Linux distributions What are the uses of Kali Linux Tools for Footprinting,Scanning & Sniffing What is Metasploit framework Using Metasploit framework to attack Wiindows machines Using Metasploit framework to attack Android devices