
Course Details

Python With Data Science Blended
Last Update:

July 18, 2023


About Course

Starting Point For Your Career Path…
Our Mission
& Vision

We help undergrad and post grad students struggling to get industrial
experience with our Industry Grade Mentorship programs which help them
to become corporate-ready individuals and possess the skillset to take on
any challenges without any self-doubt.
Our aim is to become one of the most preferred
education technology platforms across the globe.
We envision a world in which each students receives the
effective, equitable, and engaging education they need to
reach their full and unique potential

What Will You Learn?

  • The course provides the entire toolbox you need to become a data scientist
  • Fill up your resume with in demand data science skills: Statistical analysis, Python programming with NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, and Seaborn, Advanced statistical analysis, Tableau, Machine Learning with stats models and scikit-learn, Deep learning with TensorFlow
  • Impress interviewers by showing an understanding of the data science field
  • Learn how to pre-process data
  • Understand the mathematics behind Machine Learning (an absolute must which other courses don’t teach!)
  • Start coding in Python and learn how to use it for statistical analysis
  • Perform linear and logistic regressions in Python
  • Carry out cluster and factor analysis
  • Be able to create Machine Learning algorithms in Python, using NumPy, statsmodels and scikit-learn
  • Apply your skills to real-life business cases
  • Use state-of-the-art Deep Learning frameworks such as Google’s TensorFlowDevelop a business intuition while coding and solving tasks with big data
  • Unfold the power of deep neural networks
  • Improve Machine Learning algorithms by studying underfitting, overfitting, training, validation, n-fold cross validation, testing, and how hyperparameters could improve performance
  • Warm up your fingers as you will be eager to apply everything you have learned here to more and more real-life situations

Course Content

Induction Class

Introduction & Installation Python

Programming Elements

Conditions & Loops

Data Structures

Functions & Expection Handling

Add on Topics

Machine Learning

Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Evaluation Metrices


Decision Tree & Ensemble Learning

Problem Statements

Unsupervised Learning-1

Unsupervised Learning-2


Fundamentals & Tools

Visualization & Cleaning

Feature Selection

Cross Validations


4,999.00 7,500.00
  • Instructor
    Elenxia Learning Platform
  • Language

Payment :


Material Includes

  • 31 hours on-demand video
  • 65 coding exercises
  • 92 articles
  • 542 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Closed captions
  • Certificate of completion
  • Internship 100 percent
  • Internship Completion Certificate


  • No prior experience is required. We will start from the very basics
  • You’ll need to install Anaconda. We will show you how to do that step by step
  • Microsoft Excel 2003, 2010, 2013, 2016, or 365


  • You should take this course if you want to become a Data Scientist or if you want to learn about the field
  • This course is for you if you want a great career
  • The course is also ideal for beginners, as it starts from the fundamentals and gradually builds up your skills.